Thursday, July 25, 2013


The streets are gray like the grayness 
of the good hearts of heartbroken people. 
This music makes him hold out his 
hands to them. They hear the music of 
sadness, these mighty hearts made sad 
by a sun that never seems to rise. He 
sits inside himself with the friendship 
of the music. He wishes he had some 
friendless people beside him, bringing 
the golden light they’ve forgotten they have. 

Sunday, January 20, 2013

AT 4:51 PM

The sun was just starting to set
when he suddenly understood.
It was so clear.
He understood these simple truths –
that every sign along the roads
was placed there by a person
who had worked with focus
to finish the task –
that every part in every passing car
was installed by a person
with a hard-working heart
and hands that sometimes held other hands –
that every shirt on every driver’s back
was made by workers in a factory
who often found satisfaction
in producing a simple but splendid shirt –
that every clock in every house
holds millions of special moments –
that the setting sun is glorious
whether anyone notices it or not.   

Saturday, January 5, 2013


He felt it in his fingers.
It followed him at home and school,
and slept all around his house
when he slept. There was newness
in the fields of words he found
when he opened a book in the morning,  
and in the face of every student
in his classes. All his thoughts
were new, even if he didn’t know it,
and there was nothing but new light
in every unfolding moment,
although he sometimes didn’t see it,
didn’t see the flash of lightning
in the center of every occurrence.